Hoax lists
- Sophos, with a nice feature, a list of the latest and most prevalent hoaxes.
- Symantec
- F-Secure
- Mcafee
- CIAC Hoaxbusters
- SNOPES, mythbusters for hoaxes of all kind.
Memetic Theory & Resources
- Memetics Papers on the web, not updated since 2001.
- Journal of Memetics, a peer reviewed Scientific Journal
-, contains an updated version of the Memetic Lexicon (ad infested site)
- Principia Cybernetica , not updated recently.
- Robert Aunger, author of 'The Electric Meme'
- Susan Blackmore, author of 'The Meme Machine'
- Richard Dawkins, author of "The Selfish Gene"
- Daniel Dennett , author of "Darwin's Dangerous Idea" and "Consciousness explained"
- Kate Distin, author of "The Selfish Meme"
- Francis Heylighen, editor of Principia Cybernetica Project.